

Culture: Teams & Knowledge -- Chapter 2-3 of “Software Engineering at Google”



这本书的第二部分主要是 Google 的团队文化的介绍,主要是团队合作以及知识分享方面的方法和观点。下面介绍我作为初学者的一些比较有感触的点。在目前的学习生活以及网上冲浪中,经常会问问题,以及有一些文档方面的做法,不是很符合规范。

2. 团队合作

2.1 Hiding considered Harmful

独自完成项目,很少与他人沟通最大的危害是可能很晚发现问题,或者已经有轮子了。这也和 DevOps 的概念相对应:

The current DevOps philosophy toward tech productivity is explicit about these sorts of goals: get feedback as early as possible, test as early as possible, and think about security and production environments as early as possible.

2.2 It's all about the Team

In a nutshell: Software engineering is a team endeavor.

Three pillars: Humility, Respect, Trust

Humility: Open to self-improvement;

Respect : Genuinely care about others you work with;

Trust : Believe others are competent and will do the right thing;

3. Knowledge Sharing

3.1 Questions

这一章给我的最大的收获是:Asking Questions

If you take away only a single thing from this chapter, it is this: always be learning; always be asking questions.

在角落的附注里,有一个文档,对我来说很受用:How to ask good questions (jvns.ca)

问问题之前,做一些研究,提事实性的问题方便他人回答,并且 "Nooglers" ramp up 的时间会达到六个月,ask for help when stuck;

3.2 Chesterson's fence: Before removing or changing something, first understand why it's here.

3.3 Code Readabilty

分享名称:Culture: Teams & Knowledge -- Chapter 2-3 of “Software Engineering at Google”