


常见有三种情况都有用到index full scan.


1. 查询列就是索引列

2. 对索引列进行order by时

3. 对索列进行聚合计算时

通过案例学调优之--Index FULL SCAN和Index FAST FULL SCAN

Index FULL SCAN 和ndex FAST FULL SCAN工作原理:    

   Index FULL SCAN和Index FAST FULL SCAN的适用情况:适用于我们想选择的列都包含在索引里边时,这时候就可以使用IFS或者FFS来代替全表扫描来得到想要的结果。

HINT写法:INDEX(表名 索引名)
原理:ORACLE定位到索引的ROOT BLOCK,然后到BRANCH BLOCK(如果有的话),再定位到第一个LEAF BLOCK, 然后根据LEAF BLOCK的双向链表顺序读取。它所读取的块都是有顺序的,也是经过排序的。
HINT写法:INDEX_FFS(表名 索引名)
原理:从段头开始,读取包含位图块,ROOT BLOCK,所有的BRANCH BLOCK,LEAF BLOCK,读取的顺序完全有物理存储位置决定,并采取多块读,每次读取DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT个块。查询某个表记录总数的时候,往往基于PRIMARY KEY的INDEX FAST FULL SCAN是最有效的。

Fast Full Index Scans :
Fast full index scans are an alternative to a full table scan when the index contains all the columns that are needed for the query, and at least one column in the index key has the NOT NULL constraint. A fast full scan accesses the data in the index itself, without accessing the table. It cannot be used to eliminate a sort operation, because the data is not ordered by the index key. It reads the entire index using multiblock reads, unlike a full index scan, and can be parallelized.

Fast full scan is available only with the CBO. You can specify it with the initialization parameter OPTIMIZER_FEATURES_ENABLE or the INDEX_FFS hint. Fast full index scans cannot be performed against bitmap indexes.

A fast full scan is faster than a normal full index scan in that it can use multiblock I/O and can be parallelized just like a table scan.


Full Table Scans : 
This type of scan reads all rows from a table and filters out those that do not meet the selection criteria. During a full table scan, all blocks in the table that are under the high water mark are scanned. Each row is examined to determine whether it satisfies the statement’s WHERE clause.

When Oracle performs a full table scan, the blocks are read sequentially. Because the blocks are adjacent, I/O calls larger than a single block can be used to speed up the process. The size of the read calls range from one block to the number of blocks indicated by the initialization parameter DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT. Using multiblock reads means a full table scan can be performed very efficiently. Each block is read only once.



