Netgen也是一款网格剖分软件,为奥地利科学家Joachim Schoeberl负责编写的格网(曲面和实体)剖分程序。是格网划分技术中极为先进与完善的,在3D格网划分领域更是具有极大的优势。
环境: ubuntu 12.04 32bit
【定义】三角剖分[1]:假设V是二维实数域上的有限点集,边e是由点集中的点作为端点构成的封闭线段, E为e的集合。那么该点集V的一个三角剖分T=(V,E)是一个平面图G,该平面图满足条件:
#ifndef DELAUNAY_H_INCLUDED #define DELAUNAY_H_INCLUDED #include#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; typedef struct { double x; double y; double z; }Point;//定义点类 typedef vector PointArray;//定义点类的vector容器 typedef struct { int left; int right; int count;//边的计数,如果计数为0,则删除此边 }Edge;//定义边类 typedef vector EdgeArray;//定义边类的vector容器 typedef struct { int v[3];//三角形的三个顶点 Edge s[3];//三角形的三条边 double xc;//三角形外接圆圆心的x坐标 double yc;//三角形外接圆圆心的y坐标 double r;//三角形外接圆的半径 }Triangle;//定义三角形类 typedef vector TriangleArray;//定义三角形类的vector容器 typedef vector intArray;//定义int类的vector容器 class Delaunay//定义Delaunay类 { public: Delaunay(Point p1,Point p2,Point p3,Point p4);//Delaunay类的构造函数,创建外边框 ~Delaunay();//Delaunay类的析构函数 bool AddPoint(double xx,double yy,double zz);//向已有剖分图形中加点的函数 void Delete_Frame();//删除外边框 void Boundary_Recover(int fromPoint,int toPoint);//边界恢复 void output();//输出ANSYS命令流文件 private: void Cal_Centre(double &x_centre,double &y_centre,double &radius,int n1,int n2,int n3);//计算三角形的外接圆圆心坐标和半径 void MakeTriangle(int n1,int n2,int n3);//生成指定顶点的三角形 bool inCircle(double xx,double yy,Triangle currentTris);//判断点是否在圆内 void DelTriangle(int n,EdgeArray &BoundEdges);//删除指定的三角形 PointArray m_Pts;//m_Pts用于存储所有点 EdgeArray m_Edges;//m_Edges用于存储所有边 TriangleArray m_Tris;//m_Tris用于存储所有三角形 }; void GetPoint(double &xx,double &yy,double &zz,string line);//解析从input文件中读取的每一行数据 #endif // DELAUNAY_H_INCLUDED
#include "delaunay.h" Delaunay::Delaunay(Point p1,Point p2,Point p3,Point p4) { m_Pts.resize(4); m_Pts[0]=p1; m_Pts[1]=p2; m_Pts[2]=p3; m_Pts[3]=p4;//添加四个外边框点 m_Edges.resize(4); Edge l1={0,1,-1}; Edge l2={1,2,-1}; Edge l3={0,3,-1}; Edge l4={2,3,-1}; m_Edges[0]=l1; m_Edges[1]=l2; m_Edges[2]=l3; m_Edges[3]=l4;//添加四个外边框的边 MakeTriangle(0,1,2); MakeTriangle(0,2,3);//添加初始的两个三角形 } Delaunay::~Delaunay()//清空Delaunay类的数据成员 { m_Pts.resize(0); m_Edges.resize(0); m_Tris.resize(0); } void Delaunay::MakeTriangle(int n1,int n2,int n3) { double x_centre,y_centre,radius; Cal_Centre(x_centre,y_centre,radius,n1,n2,n3);//获得顶点为n1,n2,n3的三角形的外接圆圆心坐标和半径 Triangle newTriangle={{n1,n2,n3},{{n1,n2,1},{n2,n3,1},{n1,n3,1}},x_centre,y_centre,radius};//生成指定的三角形 m_Tris.push_back(newTriangle);//向m_Tris中添加新构造的三角形 int EdgeSzie=(int)m_Edges.size();//获得目前的边数 int flag; for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { flag=1; for(int j=0;jBoundEdges[i].left && PtSize-1 currentTris.r) return false; else return true; } void Delaunay::DelTriangle(int n,EdgeArray &BoundEdges) { for (int i=0;i<3;i++) { for (int j=0;j<(int)m_Edges.size();j++) { if (m_Edges[j].left==m_Tris[n].s[i].left&&m_Edges[j].right==m_Tris[n].s[i].right) { if (m_Edges[j].count==2)//若要删除三角形的一边的计数为2,则将其计数减1,并将其压入BoundEdges容器中 { m_Edges[j].count=1; BoundEdges.push_back(m_Edges[j]); } else if (m_Edges[j].count==-1) BoundEdges.push_back(m_Edges[j]);//如果是外边框,则直接压入BoundEdges容器中 else if (m_Edges[j].count==1)//如果删除三角形的一边的计数为1,则删除该边,同时查看BoundEdges中是否有此边,若有,则删除 { for (int k=0;k<(int)BoundEdges.size();k++) { if (BoundEdges[k].left==m_Edges[j].left&&BoundEdges[k].right==m_Edges[j].right) { BoundEdges.erase(BoundEdges.begin()+k); break; } } m_Edges.erase(m_Edges.begin()+j); j--; } break; } } } m_Tris.erase(m_Tris.begin()+n);//删除该三角形 } void Delaunay::output()//向“output.log"文件中写入ANSYS命令流 { ofstream outfile("output.log"); if (!outfile) { cout<<"Unable to output nodes!"; exit(1); } outfile<<"/PREP7"< =(fromPoint-1)&&m_Tris[i].v[2]<=(toPoint-1)) { DelTriangle(i,BoundEdges); BoundEdges.resize(0); i--; } } }
#include "delaunay.h" int main() { ifstream infile("input.txt");//打开"input.txt"文件 if (!infile)//判断文件是否正常打开 { cout<<"Unable to input nodes!"; exit(1); } string line; PointArray p; double xx,yy,zz; int nodeSize; for (int i=0;i<4;i++)//读入4外边框点 { getline(infile,line); GetPoint(xx,yy,zz,line); Point tmp={xx,yy,zz}; p.push_back(tmp); } Delaunay MyMesh(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]);//实例化Delaunay类 getline(infile,line);//读入节点数,用于后面循环 char *cstr; cstr=new char[line.size()+1]; strcpy(cstr,line.c_str()); nodeSize=atoi(cstr); for (int i=0;i
编译完成之后,目录下就会生成一个名为 tetgen 的可执行文件。
这个是用于查看网格模型的工具。 因为这个东西比较老,所以首先要安装一些比较老的库。
sudo ./install.sh
sudo apt-get install libstdc++5
./tetview pmdc.1
./tetgen -p torus.ply
./tetview torus.1.ele
这里选择一个植物模型,File ->Export->stl。记住勾选左边的ascii。
打开netgen,File ->Load Geometry,选择刚才导出的模型。然后点击工具栏中的GnerateMesh,稍等片刻,得到结果。
File -> Export File type ->Elmer Format然后导出:
File-> Export Mesh
将之前的用tetgen生成的 model.1.node 和 model.1.ele 文件拷贝至Stellar的文件夹,终端执行
Stellar model.1
Improving mesh.
***** ALERT Input mesh has non-positive worst quality of -0.85263, dying *****
Starting up smoothing, input tet has quality -0.85263
Stellar: ./src/smoothing.c:1640: nonsmooth: Assertion `worstqual > 0.0' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)
终端执行./meshconvert.py model.1.node model.2.node
Stellar model.2
原来的模型有6000多个顶点,经过大概10分钟的优化,生成了一个20000点的模型...T T
创建一个 conf 文件
#################################### # Stellar mesh improvement options # #################################### # This file contains all the possible options that can currently be set for # mesh improvement. Lines that begin with '#' are comments and are ignored. # Other lines take the form 'option intval floatval stringval', where option # is the name of the option, and intval floatval and stringval are the possible # fields that can be used to set that option. If an option takes an int, only # a value for int needs to be given. If it's a float, a dummy int should be # inserted before the float. If it's a string, a dummy int and a dummy float # should be inserted before the string. This clumsiness is because I don't like # coding string processing in C, and this is the easiest way. Any unset options # will assume their default values. # verbosity: bigger number means more verbose output of improvement. # default = 1 verbosity 0 # use color in verbose improvement output. default = 0 usecolor 1 # just output the mesh unchanged and quit. default = 0 outputandquit 0 ## quality measure options # qualmeasure: selects which quality measure to use as an objective function # for optimizing the tetrahedra. The quality measures are described in # Chapter 2 of Bryan's dissertation. default = 0 # 0 = minimum sine of the dihedral angles (default) # 1 = square root of radius ratio (circumradius divided by inradius) # 2 = V / l_rms^3 (volume divided by cube of root-mean-squared edge length) # 5 = minimum sine with biased obtuse angles qualmeasure 5 # sinewarpfactor: float. for qualmeasure 5 only; sets the factor by which # obtuse angles are scaled relative to acute angles. Default is 0.75 sinewarpfactor 0 0.75 ## termination options # BOTH goal angles must be reached to terminate improvement # goalanglemin: float. terminates improvement early if minimum angle reaches # this value. default = 90.0 (which precludes early termination) goalanglemin 0 90.0 # goalanglemax: float. terminates improvement early if maximum angle reaches # this value. default = 90.0 goalanglemax 0 90.0 ## smoothing options # nonsmooth: enable optimization-based smoothing. default = 1 nonsmooth 1 # facetsmooth: enable smoothing of facet vertices. default = 1 facetsmooth 1 # segmentsmooth: enable smoothing of segment vertices. default = 1 segmentsmooth 1 # usequadrics: enable use of surface quadric error for smoothing fixed boundary # vertices. WARNING: this will allow the domain shape to change slightly. But # even a little play sometimes yields much better meshes. default = 0 usequadrics 0 # quadricoffset: amount to start quadric error at before subtracting. # See alpha in Section 3.2.5 of Bryan's dissertation. default = 0.8 quadricoffset 0 0.8 # quadricscale: amount to scale quadric error before subtracting from offset. # See beta in Section 3.2.5 of Bryan's dissertation. default = 300.0 quadricscale 0 300.0 ## topological transformation options # flip22: enable 2-2 flips (for boundary tets). default = 1 flip22 1 # multifaceremoval: enable multi-face removal. singlefaceremoval might still # be on. default = 1 multifaceremoval 1 # singlefaceremoval: enable single face removal (2-3 and 2-2 flips). Has # no effect when multifaceremoval is enabled. default = 1 singlefaceremoval 1 # edgeremoval: enable edge removal. default = 1 edgeremoval 1 ## edge contraction options # edgecontraction: enable edge contraction. default = 1 edgecontraction 1 ## vertex insertion options # enableinsert: enable ALL vertex insertion (overrides others). default = 1 enableinsert 0 # insertbody: enable just vertex insertion in body (interior). default = 1 insertbody 0 # insertfacet: enable just insertion on facets. default = 1 insertfacet 0 # insertsegment: enable just insertion on segments. default = 1 insertsegment 0 # insertthreshold: on each insertion pass, try vertex insertion in this fraction of the tetrahedra. default = 0.031 (the worst 3.1%) insertthreshold 0 0.031 ## size control options # (See Chapter 6 of Bryan's dissertation.) # sizing: enable control of element sizes. default = 0 sizing 0 # sizingpass: enable edge length correction before quality improvement. # default = 0 sizingpass 0 # targetedgelength: the target edge length for this mesh. If set to 0.0, the # target edge length is initialized automatically to the initial mean edge # length. default = 0.0 targetedgelength 0 0.0 # longerfactor: factor by which an edge can be longer than the target edge # length before being considered "too long". default = 3.0 longerfactor 0 2.0 # shorterfactor: factor by which an edge can be shorter than the target edge # length before being considered "too short" default = 0.33 shorterfactor 0 0.50 ## anisotropy options # (See Chapter 7 of Bryan's dissertation.) # anisotropic: enable anisotropic meshing. default = 0 anisotropic 0 # tensor: which size/anisotropy tensor to use. default = 0 # 0 = identity # 1 = stretch x # 2 = stretch y # 3 = sink # 4 = swirl # 5 = center # 6 = perimeter # 7 = right # 8 = sine tensor 6 ## quality file output options # These files list, for each tetrahedron, the values of the quality measures # minsineout: enable output of .minsine quality file. default = 1 minsineout 1 # minangout: enable output of .minang quality file. default = 0 minangout 0 # maxangout: enable output of .maxang quality file. default = 0 maxangout 0 # vlrmsout: enable output of .vlrms quality file. default = 0 vlrmsout 0 # nrrout: enable output of the .nrr quality file. default = 0 nrrout 0 ## animation options # animate: activate animation file output (a set of output files after each # pass). default = 0 animate 0 # timeseries: when animate = 1, only output .stats. default = 0 timeseries 0 ## output filename option # fileprefix: filename prefix that distinguishes the output files from the # input files. If none specified, an iteration number is appended to the input # filenames. #fileprefix 0 5 ../output/testprefix
./Stellar -s conf model.2